Would you like to know the directional move for the stocks you are trading?
Our algorithm has correctly determined the market direction over 75% of the time in the past five years.
Think about how great it would be to have probability-based levels. Levels that over the past five years over 400 stocks in the S & P 500 have demonstrated statistical significance.
Wouldn’t you like to be able to manage risk like Ed Thorp?
Ed Thorp turned $30k dollars into $800 Million by using his rik management formula. Above all, this formula allows you to determine how much you can risk on a single trade.
Would you like to be able to size your position correctly so that your risk is controlled?
Beyond knowing how much to risk on a single trade, it is important to be able to size your position accordingly.
The Intra-Day Momentum Method is a scientific approach to intra-day trading. This model for determining the intra-day direction for equities allows a trader to determine probable outcomes by using historically significant levels. This gives a level of certainty to the intra-day trader. As a result, the expectancy can be determined. This model also allows a trader to define patterns mathematically. The trader can then determine if those patterns are historically significant.